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Haematology/ Haemato-oncology

Tests applicable to Individuals who fall in one or more of the categories mentioned below.

1. Members of families with a history of cancer.
2. Cancer patients who may benefit from pharmacotherapeutic guidance and stratification for prognosis.
3. Early onset breast cancer or triple negative breast cancer.
4. Early onset colon, ovarian, renal, lung cancer, etc.
5. Patients diagnosed with multiple primary cancers.
6. Patients with an identified hereditary cancer syndrome.

Test No.Test NameAnalytical TechniqueSample requiredTAT
HAEQPC033BCR-ABL t(9;22) translocation (Philadelphia Chromosome) Major (p210) quantitative (MRD)Reverse Transcription Taqman real time PCRBlood/ Bone marrow in EDTA2 days
HAEQPC200BCR-ABL Diagnostic Panel for CML (Major/e13a2/e14a2; reflex testing of 13 variants e14a3, e1a2, e1a3, e19a2, e6a2, e8a2 etc) and reflex to BCR-ABL FISHReverse Transcription Taqman real time PCR, FISH (reflex)Blood/ Bone marrow in EDTA and Heparin3-7 days
HAEQPC400BCR-ABL-Any one of Minor p190 e1/a2, Micro p230 e19/a2, Variant e1/a3 translocation semi-quantitative (only when initial diagnosis done at GenePath Diagnosis)Reverse Transcription Taqman real time PCRBlood/ Bone marrow in EDTA4 days
HAENGS338BCR-ABL Tyrosine Kinase inhibitor resistance mutations (IRMA) including BCR-ABL quantitationNGSBlood/ Bone marrow in EDTA4-5 weeks
HAEQPC035Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) common translocations qualitative panel (BCR-ABLt(9;22), E2A-PBX2t(1;19), TEL-AML t(12;21), MLL-AF4 t(4;11))Reverse Transcription Taqman real time PCRBlood/ Bone marrow in EDTA2 days
HAEQPC401Any one of BCR-ABL t(9;22), E2A-PBX2 t(1;19), TEL-AML t(12;21), MLL-AF4 t(4;11) translocations semi-quantitative (suggested only when initial diagnosis was carried out at GenePath Dx)Reverse Transcription Taqman real time PCRBlood/ Bone marrow in EDTA4 days
HAEQPC164Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) common translocations / inversion qualitative panel (ML1-ETO/em>, t(8;21), CBFB-MYH11 inv(16), PML-RARA t(15;17))Reverse Transcription Taqman real time PCRBlood/ Bone marrow in EDTA2 days
HAEQPC163Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia (APML) PML-RARA t(15,17) translocation qualitativeReverse Transcription Taqman real time PCRBlood/ Bone marrow in EDTA1 day
HAEQPC376Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia (APML) PML-RARA t(15,17) translocation semi-quantitativeReverse Transcription Taqman real time PCRBlood/ Bone marrow in EDTA1 day
HAEQPC402Any one of ML1-ETO t(8;21), CBFB-MYH11 inv(16) translocations semi-quantitative (suggested only when initial diagnosis was carried out at GenePath Dx)Reverse Transcription Taqman real time PCRBlood/ Bone marrow in EDTA4 days
HAENGS189FLT3 D835 – AML Prognostic MarkersCE-SeqBlood/ Bone marrow in EDTA5 days
HAEFRG394FLT3 ITD – AML Prognostic MarkerAFLP/ Fragment AnalysisBlood/ Bone marrow in EDTA5 days
HAEFRG184NPM1 exon 12 insertions and deletions – AML Prognostic MarkerAFLP/ Fragment AnalysisBlood/ Bone marrow in EDTA5 days
HAENGS182WT1 sequence analysis (exons 7 and 9) – AML Prognostic MarkersNGSBlood/ Bone marrow in EDTA4-5 weeks
HAEQPC137JAK2 (V617F)ARMS real time PCRBlood/ Bone marrow in EDTA2 days
HAENGS382JAK2 (V617F) Quantitative by NGSNGSBlood/ Bone marrow in EDTA4-5 weeks
HAENGS336Advanced Philadelphia -negative Chronic Myeloproliferative disorder panel [JAK2 (exon 12, 14), MPL (exon 10), CALR (exon 9)] High Depth SequencingNGSBlood/ Bone marrow in EDTA4-5 weeks
HAEPNG381Advanced Philadelphia negative Chronic Myeloproliferative disorder REFLEX panel [JAK2 V617F PCR reflexing to JAK2MPL (exon 10), CALR (exon 9) by NGS]ARMS real time PCR, NGSBlood/ Bone marrow in EDTA3-4 weeks
HAENGS388MYD88 quantitative mutation detection for Waldenstrom MacroglobulinemiaNGSBone marrow in EDTA, FFPE block/ Fresh tissue4-5 weeks
HAENGS384MYD88 and CXCR4 mutation detection for Waldenstrom MacroglobulinemiaNGSBone marrow in EDTA, FFPE block/ Fresh tissue4-5 weeks
HAENGS187UGT1A1 Promoter Sequencing for Gilbert’s syndrome common mutations and Irinotecan toxicityNGSBlood in EDTA4-5 weeks
HAEQPC133Factor V Leiden (FVL R506Q/ G1691A) mutation analysisARMS real time PCRBlood in EDTA2 days
HAEQPC134Factor II / Prothrombin (FII G20210A) mutation analysisCE-SeqBlood in EDTA10 days
HAENGS152MTHFR two common mutations (A222V/C677T + E429A/A1298C)NGSBlood in EDTA4-5 weeks
HAEQPC138Thrombophilia common mutations panel (FVL G1691A, FII G20210A, MTHFR C677T + A1298C)ARMS real time PCR, CE-Seq, NGSBlood in EDTA4-5 weeks
HAENGS337Full HBB gene sequencing for Beta Thalassemia by Next Generation SequencingNGSBlood in EDTA, Cheek swab4-5 weeks
HAEPCR396Detection of IVS1-5 G>C mutation in HBB geneARMS real time PCRBlood in EDTA, Antenatal sample2-3 days
HAESEQ031Targeted (known) mutation detection in HBB gene with testing for Maternal Cell Contamination (MCC) for Prenatal samplesCE-Seq/ ARMS PCR + Fragment analysisAntenatal sample (CVS, Amniotic Fluid)10 days
HAESEQ342Sickle cell anemia (Capillary Sequencing)CE-SeqBlood in EDTA2 weeks
HAESEQ343Sickle cell anemia (Hb Electrophoresis + Capillary Sequencing)Hb Electrophoresis, CE-SeqBlood in EDTA2 weeks
HAESEQ397Targeted (known) sequencing in HBB gene for Beta ThalassemiaCE-SeqBlood in EDTA2 weeks
HAEMLP344Alpha Thalassemia (Alpha globin/ HBA gene deletions) by MLPAMLPABlood in EDTA10 days
HAEMLP345Alpha globin gene (HBA) triplication by MLPAMLPABlood in EDTA10 days
HAEMLP385MLPA for Delta-Beta Thalassemia, Gamma ThalassemiaMLPABlood in EDTA10 days
HAEQPC212Haemochromatosis (Common mutations H63D and C282Y in the HFE gene)ARMS real time PCRBlood in EDTA7 days
HAENGS230Next Generation Sequencing Panel for Fanconi Anemia (FANCL, FANCD2, FANCE, FANCG, FANCC, FANCF, BRCA2, FANCI, SLX4, ERCC4, PALB2, FANCA, RAD51C, BRIP1, FANCB)NGSBlood in EDTA4-5 weeks

US Office

674 South Wagner Road Ann Arbor Michigan 48103 USA

US Laboratory

600 South Wagner Road Ann Arbor Michigan 48103 USA

Registered India Office

1260/B Jangli Maharaj Road, Plot 596 Above Phadke Hospital, across from McDonald’s Deccan Gymkhana, Shivajinagar, Pune, Maharashtra 411004 India 

Pune Laboratory

7th Floor, Manikchand Galleria CTS No. 996, Plot No. 383 Swastik Society, Model Colony Pune, Maharashtra 411016 India 

Pune Manufacturing Facility

Gut No. 64/1, Sawardari Opposite Philips Company, Chakan, Pune, Maharashtra 410501, India.

GenePath Diagnostics © 2025. All Rights Reserved.

US Office

674 South Wagner Road Ann Arbor Michigan 48103 USA

US Laboratory

600 South Wagner Road Ann Arbor Michigan 48103 USA

Registered India Office

1260/B Jangli Maharaj Road, Plot 596 Above Phadke Hospital, across from McDonald’s Deccan Gymkhana, Shivajinagar, Pune, Maharashtra 411004 India 

Pune Laboratory

7th Floor, Manikchand Galleria CTS No. 996, Plot No. 383 Swastik Society, Model Colony Pune, Maharashtra 411016 India 

Pune Manufacturing Facility

Gut No. 64/1, Sawardari Opposite Philips Company, Chakan, Pune, Maharashtra 410501, India.

GenePath Diagnostics © 2025. All Rights Reserved.